“Bản quốc tàn chỉ bi kí lục” is a fictional book compiled by artist Le Giang and researcher Nguyen Dinh Hung. The book comprises of historical monuments’ contents of which monuments either ruined or had vanished in Viet Nam.
亭者鄉中最尊之所也。上祀城隍,置神位,保神敕,為神憑依。下為鄉人會所。遞年遵節,鄉人于此祭祀祇福, 迎神入席,同民上下分盤宴飲。 吾鄉古有亭,奉事前朝大將軍為本境城隍。昔聖率水兵拒北敵,化於江邊。本鄉於此立亭奉祀,稔顯靈應,香燈 不絕。歷朝皆有敕封為上等之神。 値乙卯年洪水崩堤,亭宇一齊從水消毀,梁棟残瓦祭器少存。耆老童幼悽愴痛甚。丙辰年秋,同民合力重搆亭 宇,十月完工。規模雖不如前,然層樓畫棟殊屬可觀。詩云“孔曼且碩。萬民氏若。”余因以是知其神之安而知 民之若也。
The đình is the holiest place in every village. It is the worshiping place of the village’s the Holy Guardian, where his name and title are displaced, where his presence in the mortal world is kept. It is also a gathering place of villagers for meetings and important events as well as festivals. Every year villagers must perform a ceremony to welcome the Guardian to his mortal residence - the đình, and then enjoy a feast in his honor.
Since very long ago our village has a đình, which worships the supreme general from the previous king’s reign as our Holy Guardian. He commanded the navy against Northern invaders and gave his life near the local river bank. We con- structed our đình there to worship him, and since then he manifested his presence many times. All the later reigns have ordained him a High Celestial Being.
By the year of the Rooster, a heavy flood destroyed the local dyke system and washed away the đình, leaving behind only some pillars, broken tiles and worshiping pieces. This lost caused heavy pain for all the villagers, from elders to youngsters. In autumn of the year of the Dragon, villagers gathered their resources for the reconstruction of the đình, which took ten months. Although the new scale is not as grand as the original, it is made up for by proper decorative architectural details. The Kinh Thi Records stated that it was “long, big and grand, satisfying the wishes of local resi- dents”. Seeing that the Holy Guardian has a proper place to stay, I know that the people have achieved a peace of mind.